The System Source has more than 10 years experience in the Event Management industry. We have a full event management web application ready for use today. Manage registrations, sign ups and online applications using your own merchant account to receive payments. Fully dynamic registration setup for any questions and prices you may need. Stay in constant contact with your customers with our dynamic notification system. Track registrations through the life cycle of sign up to event day.


The System Source has many ticketing solutions for your concert, show, performance, tour and any other tickets required event. We currently have a full service ticket application online now ready for use. Custom programming for a ticketing application will also be considered for the right contract. Contact us about getting your ticketing solution up and running today!


The System Source has 25+ years experience in programming web pages, applications and reusable modules for the insurance industry. This includes full front end systems with comparative rating, application submission, underwriting validation, and policy activation. This includes full policy administration and life cycle from activation to expiration. All API functions as well including data imports, exports and verification lookups.